NHS Lanarkshire introduce new assessment centres and telephone hub

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New guidelines have been published by NHS Lanarkshire yesterday (Monday March 30) aimed at patients who think they may have the Coronavirus.

It has emerged that two assessment hubs have been set up for those with health fears and who must not turn up at GP surgeries under any circumstances.

The starting point for this assistance is through a national telephone hub, which may make a referral to a locally-based helpline.

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This in turn could lead to an appointment at one of the two assessment centres. These facilities will dovetail with the NHS Lanarkshire Out of Hours service

Maria Docherty, Nurse Director of South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership, explained: “The establishment of these centres is part of emergency operational arrangements being undertaken in line with Scottish Government plans.

“We understand that this is a very anxious time, however everyone has a duty to minimise the spread of the virus and keep our staff safe so they can continue to care for people.

Patients with coronavirus symptoms are asked to dial NHS 24 on 111, day or night, if their symptoms worsen or do not improve after seven days.

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“If necessary, following this initial assessment, information will be forwarded to a local community hub in staffed by clinicians from across the healthcare system.

“The staff will call you back and these calls will be triaged. We thank you in advance for your patience.”

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