Elderly Glasgow Southside couple’s car set on fire in deliberate attack

Police have appealed for anyone with information about the attack to come forward.Police have appealed for anyone with information about the attack to come forward.
Police have appealed for anyone with information about the attack to come forward. | Johnston Press
An elderly couple’s car was deliberately set on fire outside their home in the Southside of Glasgow.

Police are appealing for information following the blaze in Shetland Drive, Simshill, yesterday (Tuesday, 7 April).

Around 1.45am on Tuesday, the couple, both in their 70s, woke up to find their car, a black Volkswagen Golf, on fire outside.

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Emergency services were called and the fire was extinguished, however, the car was totally burnt out.

There was no damage to the house nor the surrounding area.

Detective Sergeant Alan Ferguson, Cathcart CID, said: “Thankfully the householders were not injured but this is a very distressing, not to mention costly, situation for them to experience.

“From CCTV, we can see a red coupe type car drive up to the address and one white man, dressed in black, get out and throw a lighted object at the car, before getting back into the vehicle and driving off at speed along Shetland Drive towards Old Castle Road.

“It’s apparent from the footage that the car was specifically targeted by the suspects but we cannot, and neither can the householders, understand why this car at this address.

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“We believe that it may have been the wrong car at the wrong address that was set alight, and have no reason to believe the householders nor neighbours, would be the ones the suspects were looking for.

“The car was the only mode of transport the couple have. The fact that they are now without it and will have to replace it at their cost and inconvenience, through no fault of their own is unfair.

“We would appeal to anyone who may have seen the car in the area, may be have dash-cam footage, or saw it speed off afterwards to contact police.”

Details can be passed to Cathcart CID via 101. Please quote reference number 0234 of 7 April 2020. Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111.”