Clyde boss Danny Lennon: Health comes before football

Clyde boss Danny Lennon (pic: Michael Gillen)Clyde boss Danny Lennon (pic: Michael Gillen)
Clyde boss Danny Lennon (pic: Michael Gillen) | JPIMedia

In common with everyone else the Cumbernauld club face an extended spell on the sidelines after the Scottish FA suspended all football indefinitely due to the coronavirus crisis.

The Bully Wee boss said: “We respect the decision that has been made to suspend matches on the basis of safety grounds.

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“Health and safety must come first on all occasions. We hope and pray that this virus pandemic will pass quickly with a low impact on the population, based on the swift actions of the decision makers in our country.”

Before Monday’s Government announcement of tighter social contact restrictions, Clyde’s plan was for players to continue to train as normal, as well as being assessed by the club’s medical staff.

However that now could be revisited with players given individual training plans to follow away from the ground instead.

Lennon said: “We will keep the players ticking over. No one knows how long this suspension will be in place, but we will keep ourselves ready to play, for when the go ahead is given.

“In the meantime, my thoughts go to everyone connected with the club. Please follow all the advice given, stay safe and take care.”